The Unicycling Society of Louisiana is a nonprofit organization founded by Dr. Katina Beverly (Clark) and Dr. Kredenna Beverly (Sumbler). This organization was created to introduce children to the sport of unicycling. The organization’s mission is “to foster social and athletic interest and promote the healthy wholesome sport of unicycling among children in Louisiana by teaching them to embrace their different and unique personal attributes to be productive citizens in the world.


Drs. Katina and Kredenna Beverly’s love of unicycling started at the age of eight. While visiting a local bike shop, they saw an unicycle hanging on the wall. Their parents purchased the unicycle which sparked the love and passion they possess today for unicycling. With the help of their father, they taught themselves to ride the unicycle. Several years later, a friend invited them to join the Redstick Riders Unicycling Club of Baton Rouge. The Club inspired them to be active and creative in the sport of unicycling with various events including, parades, mentoring workshops, talent shows, and demonstrations. They also had the unique opportunity to be a part of Southern University and A&M College of Baton Rouge pep squad during football games from 1997 to 2000, were they able to celebrate the school and share unicycling all at the same time.

Dr. Katina Beverly and Dr. Kredenna Beverly’s greatest desire is revive their childhood unicycling experiences for the children of today. They want to continue to spread the love of unicycling along with their mission to the children of Louisiana.